22 July 2011

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
You're not the right one, not at all!
Who would have guessed it is so hard to pick a mirror for a bathroom?  There's only 2 bathrooms; 1 is a powder room and the other is a regular, full bathroom.  Pretty straight-forward. 2 bathrooms....and we're on our 6th mirror...in 3 weeks....and we are still short 1 mirror.

It's a little like Goldilocks meets Speed Dating: You're too big. You're too small. You're too flashy. You're too plain. You're too square. You're too round. You're too expensive. You're too cheap (looking). After a while you start having flashbacks that they are blind dates, not a piece of reflective glass, and you think after a couple of glasses of wine, maybe they will look better.

Speaking of looking - the whole raison d'ĂȘtre: We won't even begin to talk about hanging the mirror so you can look into it!  I'm 5 foot 12, so a mirror hung at a good height for me means everyone else will only see the top of their head when they brush their teeth. Now I'm having flash-backs of junior high school dances, where all I got to see while dancing with someone was the top of their head.  I diagnosed a lot of cases of dandruff back then.

So our shopping adventure began as I found a mirror I liked and bought at the very first store I went to.  What luck -- Terrific!  No more shopping--Happy Days!  But then I went to another store, (this is the point in the story where every husband in America is saying "And that's where the problem started"). The second store had a mirror that I thought was better than the first. Then onto a 3rd store (more husbands groaning) and another mirror that's even better than the first two.

But this is all perfectly robinlogical. If each store I go to, I find a mirror I like more than the store(s) before, then it's perfectly reasonable to assume that by the time I've gone to every store in the 5-state area, I'll have found THE perfect mirror. The problem is, it is the perfect mirror. Just not perfect for my wall, or my vanity, my light fixture, or my wallet.

So we fall into our favorite mantra, repeat after moi: "We're not going to live here". As in, "Just hang a piece of tin foil over the vanity and get on with it". We are past the point of CCL*.

But the problem is I DO care. And it's natural to care. This rehab has been with us 50 weeks. Fifty weeks of working on it, cursing over it, talking about it, caring about it, arguing about it, and literally blood, sweat, tears and mouse poop.  It's only natural to care.  The lesson is learning to balance how much you care with how much it affects the rehab.  You're going to come to a point where you need to just have "X" in its place and be done with it.  Trust your realtor.  If they don't comment on it, then you can move on and not worry about the choice you made.  And go hang all the other perfect mirrors in your own house.

So, my advice? Next time, pick the mirror first. Then build the house around it.
*Can't Care Less